Maverick Telecommunication Client Site Technology Support Services
Exceptional people delivering exceptional results
Maverick Telecommunication will effectively and confidently deploy your new technology so you are ready and able to solve complex problems related to exploration and development. Our team of specialized onsite and workflow consultants will help you install and integrate our leading-edge software in a way that helps you realize more value from your investment.
Maverick Telecommunication offers various client site support services that lead to the rapid uptake of our technology and greatly increase your staff’s potential for improved productivity.

Maverick Telecommunication services include
Exceptional people delivering exceptional results.
Dedicated, full-time onsite support: Maverick Telecommunication onsite consultants are provided on a full-time, year long contract to assist users at client locations. Consultant competencies vary from Level I (basic troubleshooting and support) through Level V (advanced application support and workflow mentoring), depending on the customer-identified range of required abilities. Dedicated onsite support contracts are based on a 45-week coverage program with no backfill for vacation and consultant training time.
Part-time onsite support: Maverick Telecommunication offers short-term client site support for customers who only need onsite coverage a few days per week, or for a limited period. Consultant competencies vary from Level I through Level V, depending on the necessary skill set identified by the client. Contracts are based on a day rate basis.
User assessments and recommendations: Maverick Telecommunication consultants can meet with your users to assess their level of understanding of Maverick Telecommunication technology and workflow. Reports are generated from the assessment. We also provide recommendations for user training and/or onsite mentoring programs. Pricing is based on a day rate or project rate basis.
Technology workflow consulting/mentoring: Maverick Telecommunication offers onsite consulting to teach technology workflows utilizing Maverick Telecommunication products. Our mentoring programs map Maverick Telecommunication products to generally accepted workflows that lead to productivity gains. Pricing is based on a day rate basis.
Technology project management services: Maverick Telecommunication provides project management expertise for implementation projects and/or technology deployment projects. Our consultants will coordinate and manage the implementation team(s) as the software is deployed and rolled out to all users. Pricing is based on a day rate or project rate basis.
Advanced technology workflow consulting: We offer advanced level workflow technology consulting and mentoring. Maverick Telecommunication advanced technology consultants are high-level users of our technology and provide advice on Maverick Telecommunication-recommended best practices. Pricing is based on a day rate basis.
The expertise, integrity, and professionalism of the Maverick Telecommunication client site technology support team will help you increase the knowledge and productivity of your staff while maximizing the value of your investment. Our commitment to you ensures that we provide the right people, at the right place, at the right time, enabling you to achieve the best possible solution for your company.